Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Thirty Years Educating Working Adults - USA

Western International University (WIU) offers the advantages of traditional education with the all the richness and convenience of a non-traditional format. WIU faculty hold advanced degrees in their teaching fields and are also highly successful practitioners in their areas of expertise, and many of our faculty members have international business experience.
Our faculty share their knowledge through a discussion-based format which includes presentations, real-life application, and lectures. Whether your course is oncampus or live with WIU Interactive Online, you will enjoy the same enriched learning experience. You'll also have the opportunity to share and learn from your fellow students through your own career experiences, so that you can immediately apply what you learn in class within your workplace.
You'll demonstrate your individual achievements through quizzes, tests, papers, projects, and presentations. A WIU degree offers you a full range of academic opportunities, from refreshing your study skills to excelling through honors courses.
WIU degree programs address national and global issues as key themes throughout the curriculum. Along with our diverse, multicultural students and faculty, what better preparation is there for building a career in a world that is becoming more connected through advanced communications and where businesses increasingly cross international boundaries?
More Details : www.study-us.info

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